When Should I See a Revision Rhinoplasty Specialist in McLean, Virginia?

Revision Rhinoplasty Specialist in McLean

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, is an incredibly challenging surgery, and a revision rhinoplasty is even more so. How do you know if you’re a good candidate for a revision?

Here’s what a revision rhinoplasty specialist in McLean, Virginia has to say about the top four signs.

  • You Have Difficulty With Breathing Through Your Nose and Other Basic Functions

This is one of the most common reasons a patient seeks out revision surgery. When performed or healed incorrectly, a primary rhinoplasty can result in new or worsened function in the nose. This includes difficulty breathing or other functions that require medical attention.

  • Your Primary Rhinoplasty Healed Incorrectly

A rhinoplasty is considered to be fully healed and settled in one to two years. If your rhinoplasty has healed in an incorrect or dissatisfying manner after a year of patiently waiting, it may be time to consider a revision rhinoplasty for a better outcome.

  • You’re Dissatisfied With the External Appearance of Your Nose

Sure, your primary surgery may have healed correctly, and there might not be any functional concerns, but you still don’t like your result. That’s okay! A revision rhinoplasty is even suitable for those who simply dislike the external appearance of their results.

  • You’ve Injured Your Nose and Altered Your Original Results

Maybe you were fine and happy before, but an accident or injury has altered your primary rhinoplasty results, leaving a bump or crooked appearance. This same accident or injury could’ve even affected the functionality of your nose. No matter the case, a revision rhinoplasty can help.

Still Unsure? Meet With the #1 Revision Rhinoplasty Specialist in McLean, Virginia!

If you relate to any of the telltale signs above, give ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery a call! Our expert revision rhinoplasty specialist in McLean, Virginia is ready to do whatever it takes for a safe, satisfactory experience.

Contact us today at 703-448-0005!