PRP Treatments

PRP Treatments

PRP Treatments in McLean

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatments have become increasingly popular over the years.

They are used for everything from healing sports injuries to aesthetically enhancing facial features.

What exactly is this trending option for facial rejuvenation? Here’s the scoop!

What Is PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma?

PRP contains plasma (the liquid part of your blood) and platelets (a type of cell responsible for healing). Platelets are usually known for clotting, but they also contain important growth factors that trigger cell renewal and tissue regeneration.

The platelet-rich plasma is extracted after a blood draw of the patient and then injected into the area of concern to stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

When combined with cosmetic treatments such as microneedling, PRP injections help rewind the clock, so you can defy the aging process. Like Botox, it’s an excellent choice to help you take years off your appearance but in a more natural way.

Do PRP Injections Hurt?

Every patient is different, so it’s hard to predict if you’ll find PRP injections painful. Rest assured your provider will do all they can to make you comfortable. If needed, you can request a local anesthetic or topical numbing cream before receiving your PRP injections. 

Will I Need More Than One PRP Treatment?

This depends on the specific nature of your treatment. It is possible to see improvement after one session, but it’s also possible to need more. Your provider will let you know a course of action that works best for your needs. 

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP? 

PRP is not for everyone. If you have a bleeding disorder or blood disease, this treatment might not be suitable for you. The only way to find out if PRP treatment is right for you is during a health evaluation with a reputable provider. 

Where Is the Best Place to Go for PRP in McLean?

ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery is the top choice in the area! Contact us today at 703-448-0005 to book your consultation to see if PRP is right for you!