Inspire Sleep Procedure

Inspire Sleep Procedure

Breathe new life into your nights with Inspire Sleep Procedure – the innovative solution to Obstructive Sleep Apnea that works seamlessly when CPAP doesn’t meet your needs.

Is Inspire Right for You?

Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation is designed for adults who struggle with the burdens of sleep apnea and are seeking an alternative to traditional masks and hoses.

If you’ve felt constrained by CPAP or are looking for a less intrusive treatment, Inspire could be the next step towards reclaiming restful sleep.

Understanding the Inspire Sleep Procedure

The Inspire Sleep Procedure is groundbreaking in its approach. It’s a small device, placed during a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, that monitors your breathing patterns while you sleep.

With a gentle pulse, it keeps your airways open, allowing you to breathe naturally and without interruption.

Now, imagine closing your eyes each night knowing you’ll wake up feeling rejuvenated. And without the hesitation that comes with obstructive sleep apnea! That’s the promise of Inspire.

Inspire Benefits

The Inspire Sleep Procedure offers a number of benefits. First and foremost, it’s FDA-approved to effectively treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea at its source. Additionally, it’s mask-free, comfortable, and easy to use.

What’s more, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with little to no downtime. Aftercare is also very straightforward and supports your transition to a seamless sleep experience.

Rest assured that our team is dedicated to ensuring that you understand how to use your Inspire device. It is controlled with a small remote, so that you can feel empowered in managing your sleep apnea.

Best of all, patients often notice immediate improvements in their breathing and sleep quality after the procedure!

Take the First Step

Curious about whether Inspire is the right fit? Please contact us to schedule a consultation with our specialists. At your initial visit, they will assess your condition, review your history with sleep apnea treatments, and guide you through your options.

We’re committed to answering your questions every step of the way!