Airway Surgery

Airway Surgery

Airway SurgeryAirway Surgery in McLean

Airway surgery, also referred to as laryngotracheal reconstruction, is a surgical procedure performed to widen your windpipe.

Airway reconstruction involves inserting a small piece of connective tissue (cartilage) into the most narrow part of your windpipe to widen it and improve your breathing.

Why Should I Have Airway Surgery?

There are many reasons why you or your child may need this surgery to improve breathing function. Weak cartilage, paralysis of the vocal cord, stenosis, or a birth defect in the windpipe are common conditions that lead to this procedure.

Chronic acid reflux, trauma, or infection are also reasons you may require airway surgery, which is more common in children. However, adults may need it as well.

How Do I Prepare for Airway Surgery?

Your surgeon will inform you on how to prepare. Generally, pre-op instructions include not eating or drinking at least 12 to 24 hours before surgery and removing all jewelry, makeup, and nail polish.

What Should I Expect During Airway Surgery?

Airway reconstruction is performed using several different techniques. You’ll be given general anesthesia to sedate you. Airway surgery is performed either endoscopically or as an open-airway surgery.

In either case, a graft (cartilage) is taken from a donor site, usually the ear, thyroid, or ribs, and placed where needed. Afterwards, you may temporarily require a breathing machine.

Most patients stay in the hospital for one to two weeks after open-airway surgery. Complete recovery can take several weeks or several months.

Where Is the Best Place to Get Airway Surgery in McLean?

Trust your health with our expert surgeons at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery! For all of your ears, nose, and throat needs, our staff has you covered. Contact us at 703-448-0005 to book an appointment and see if airway surgery can help you or your child breathe easier!