5 Signs You Need a Hearing and Balance Issues Specialist in McLean, Virginia

5 Signs You Need a Hearing and Balance Issues Specialist in McLean

Dizzy spells happen and are usually nothing to worry about. However, if you’re constantly feeling unsteady or dizzy, you may have a balance disorder.

Here are five symptoms to be aware of that indicate the need for a hearing and balance issues specialist in McLean, Virginia for services to address your condition.

These Five Signs Are Common Symptoms of a Balance Disorder

A balance disorder can cause a wide range of symptoms. If you experience any of the following, it’s important to schedule an appointment:

  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Blurred vision
  • Staggering when walking
  • Lightheadedness or faintness
  • Confusion, often accompanied by anxiety

Depending on the cause and type of balance disorder, your symptoms may come and go. However, they may be more frequent and last for longer periods of time.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, seek care from a hearing and balance issues specialist in McLean, Virginia so you can get the diagnosis and treatment you need for a better quality of life.

What Causes Balance Disorders?

Balance disorders can be caused by many different things. They’re most commonly attributed to inner ear infections but can also be caused by certain medications, a head injury, or anything else that affects the brain or inner ear.

For example, low blood pressure can cause dizziness and staggered walking. Arthritis can also cause balance disorders, because the condition affects the skeletal system. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and vision problems also increase the risk of balance disorders.

Find a Hearing and Balance Issues Specialist in McLean, Virginia at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery

There’s no doubt that the symptoms of a balance disorder can decrease your quality of life. With the experienced team at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, you can get the diagnosis and custom treatment plan you need to get back to feeling your best.

Contact us today at 703-448-0005 to schedule an appointment!