Can a Botched Nose Job Be Fixed?

Can a Botched Nose Job Be Fixed?

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to receive the rhinoplasty results of their dreams.

What can be done about it? Can a botched nose job be fixed? Here’s what you need to know!

How Do I Know if My Nose Job Is Botched?

There are many reasons a nose job would be considered botched, and it’s not always readily apparent. A patient may have an acceptable result but still be facing dissatisfaction and difficulties. Here are some reasons you might consider a revision rhinoplasty.

  • Asymmetry
  • Deformities, such as extreme curvature or bumps
  • Deviated tip or septum
  • Difficulty with breathing or other functions
  • Dissatisfaction with appearance
  • Improper healing or settling
  • Over or under correction

Can a Botched Nose Job Be Fixed? How Do I Find a Surgeon?

If you’re panicking and wondering, “Can a botched nose job be fixed,” today’s your lucky day! A botched rhinoplasty can indeed be repaired. The tricky part is finding a plastic surgeon that can offer the amazing results you need.

Here are three determining factors to look out for in a revision rhinoplasty surgeon:

  • Certification: A good plastic surgeon is one that is recognized and board certified, proof that they’ve passed the extensive, complex testing and skill required to become a certified plastic surgeon.
  • Expertise: A primary rhinoplasty is difficult enough, so a revision is going to be more so. Your plastic surgeon should be thoroughly trained and experienced in complex rhinoplasty cases.
  • Reviews: A good review, and the before and after photos to prove it, will tell you everything you need to know about this surgeon’s skill and approach to revision surgery.

Speak With Our Experts to Find Out If a Revision Rhinoplasty Is Right for You!

Taking that next step is intimidating, but our exceptional team of professionals at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery is here to help.

Contact us at 703-448-0005 to book a consultation at our beautiful McLean office and find out if a revision rhinoplasty is for you!