How Much Downtime Should I Expect From a Facelift?

How Much Downtime Should I Expect From a Facelift?

The aging process isn’t always a graceful one, creating loose and sagging skin that many men and women view as an insecurity.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you’re likely considering a facelift and wondering, “How much downtime should I expect from a facelift?” Here’s what experts want you to know!

What Are the Types of Facelifts, and How Do They Affect Recovery?

It may or may not surprise you to learn that there are various techniques that your facial surgeon may use to perform your facelift, ranging from mini facelifts to what is called a deep plane facelift. While all of these techniques focus on the similar goal of lifting, tightening, and reducing wrinkles, they do work differently.

For example, a mini facelift is a slightly less invasive procedure that uses fewer incisions and is intended for mild signs of aging. Because of this, recovery takes a little less time.

Conversely, a deep plane facelift is a technically challenging surgery that provides grand results, going beyond the superficial tissues to reposition deep structures beneath the skin and release certain ligaments. Because of this, healing takes longer.

There is also the traditional facelift, as well as the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) facelift.

How Long Does It Take to See Facelift Results?

Plastic surgery typically yields immediate results, even though they aren’t necessarily all seen right away, because excess skin is removed or tightened during the procedure. Additionally, any muscles or similar facial structures are tightened and readjusted as necessary.

That being said, the swelling, healing garments, bruising, and similar matters may make it difficult to see an improvement for a period of time. You’ll notice your new and improved look start to become visible in a week or two as the bulk of the side effects fade.

Final results are seen in three to six months.

How Much Downtime Should I Expect From a Facelift? Is It a Lot?

While it’s true that it’s your surgeon’s talent, credentials, and creative vision that primarily affect how your results will be, recovery is another important part of determining your outcome.

The bulk of your recovery takes four to six weeks on average, but you should begin to feel “normal” and be able to return to work sooner than this. Most people prefer and are recommended to set aside two weeks for social downtime.

At the 30-day mark is when you can return to normal activities including exercise, and side effects will have largely subsided.

Will I Have Scars? If So, How Visible Will They Be?

A cosmetic procedure is intended to make you look and feel better than before, so scars are a valid concern when you pursue a facelift.

Although scars are a given whenever an incision is made for any reason, your doctor discreetly places the incisions and sutures to ensure that they are of low or no visibility. The locations include behind the ears, within natural skin folds, and along the hairline.

So, you won’t have to worry about scars tainting your fresh look. Even if there is some visibility, your incisions will heal and your scars will mature overtime, making them a non-issue.

Choose ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery for Outstanding Facelift Results!

Get answers to all your questions such as, “How much downtime should I expect from a facelift,” here at our McLean plastic surgery office!

A successful recovery is how you achieve gorgeous results just like the ones in our facelift gallery, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Book your consultation today by calling 703-448-0005, and be on your way to a more youthful appearance!