How Painful Is Microneedling and How Long Do Results Last?

How Painful Is Microneedling and How Long Do Results Last?

Microneedling harnesses your skin’s innate collagen generation to address specific skin concerns. It employs tiny needles to create minuscule punctures, stimulating collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

It’s no secret that it works. But, how painful is microneedling, and how long do results last?

What Skin Concerns Can Microneedling Correct?

This remarkably versatile procedure is typically performed by aestheticians. It can be combined with other services to enhance its effects, such as platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. Microneedling addresses a wide range of skin concerns, including:

  • Acne and acne scars
  • Dark spots or hyperpigmentation
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Melasma
  • Skin laxity
  • Stretch marks
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

How Painful Is Microneedling, and How Long Do Results Last?

While undergoing the procedure, the most common sensation is a warm, scratching-like sensation as the tool moves across your face.

You might experience some discomfort in areas with less natural padding, like your hairline, forehead, and jawline. Overall, the use of a topical anesthetic and proper preparation makes this procedure relatively painless.

Results can last for months and may even be permanent in some cases. It’s dependent on various factors such as the nature of your concern, as well as your post-treatment skin care regimen.

Do I Need More Than One Microneedling Session for Sensational Results?

Most patients opt for four to eight treatments to achieve their desired results. Some individuals only need one or two sessions based on their unique skin needs. Your provider will let you know how many sessions you should expect to need to reach your aesthetic goals.

How Can I Find Out if Microneedling Is Right for Me?

It’s easy, and all it takes is a consultation with a qualified provider. As long as you are generally healthy, have realistic expectations about what microneedling can do, and have the desire to safely improve your skin texture while reducing scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles, you’re likely a great candidate for microneedling. 

If you have suspicious skin lesions, inflamed acne, or certain health conditions, speak to your provider about alternative treatments that are better suited for you.

Is It True At-Home Microneedling Devices Aren’t Safe?

Now that we’ve answered your question, “How painful is microneedling, and how long do results last,” let’s talk about microneedling devices you can buy online. While they are certainly convenient, this isn’t really a procedure you should do on your own. 

Remember, this treatment involves injury to the skin, and there is a delicate balance between safe usage and non-safe usage, so it’s best handled by trained professionals. Self-treatment risks scarring, and applying improper pressure may lead to issues like blood spots, pimples, scarring, and irritation. 

Infection risk also exists. A clinical setting ensures sterile needles and other professional tools are used. It also guarantees thorough skin cleansing. 

What Steps Can I Take to Find an Experienced Microneedling Provider?

This is an important first step! Look for licensed medical aestheticians or dermatologists with a proven track record in microneedling. You can start by seeking recommendations from family and friends. You should also read online reviews for anyone you’re considering.

Be sure to verify credentials and inquire about their experience, including the number of procedures they’ve performed. During consultations, discuss your specific concerns and evaluate their proposed treatment plan. 

Above all, trust your instincts. Choose a provider who makes you feel confident in their expertise and approach.

That Healthy Skin Glow You Desire Is Just a Phone Call to ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Away!

Don’t go it alone. Choose us for exceptional, personalized care. Our team is excited to explore your skincare goals and explain how microneedling can contribute to healthy, vibrant skin. 

Call us at 703-448-0005 to book your appointment now, and discover what our patients already know – amazing results are possible with ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery!