Nasal Congestion Specialist in Vienna, Virginia: Which Type of Doctor Should I See?

Nasal Congestion Specialist in Vienna Virginia

A stuffy nose is certainly no fun, making it difficult to breathe and focus on your day-to-day activities. The scary part is that it can suggest something more than inflammation, such as a sinus infection.

So, what do you do? Here’s the type of nasal congestion specialist in Vienna, Virginia you should see for help!

What Is Nasal Congestion, and What Causes It?

Nasal congestion is when your sinus passages become inflamed and swollen, causing breathing to become difficult or blocked entirely. It can create additional symptoms like mucus buildup, sinus pain, and a runny or stuffy nose.

The common cold and flu are the standard causes for nasal congestion, however it can also indicate more complex conditions like sinusitis, a deviated septum, nasal polyps, and chemical exposure, especially if you experience chronic symptoms of nasal congestion.

What Type of Doctor Should I See for Treatment?

An ear, nose, and throat specialist, also referred to as an ENT or otolaryngologist, is a type of doctor that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions relating to these parts of the head and face. If you’re in need of a nasal congestion specialist in Vienna, Virginia, they’re your best bet.

This type of doctor sees many nasal congestion cases on a daily basis. They offer a variety of treatments, like medications and surgical or non-surgical procedures, to help you manage your symptoms and cure the source of your nasal congestion.

The type of treatment you receive depends on severity of symptoms, underlying health problems, medical history, and how long you have struggled with congestion.

Meet With the Best Nasal Congestion Specialist in Vienna, Virginia at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery in Nearby McLean!

Find exceptional care and personalized treatments at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery with our team of fantastic specialists! Don’t wait – contact us today to book a consultation with one of our ear, nose, and throat practitioners by calling 703-448-0005!