When to Choose the Best Audiologist in Fairfax, Virginia vs. the Best ENT: Your Quick Guide

Best Audiologist in Fairfax

If you’re experiencing issues with your hearing such as hearing loss, how do you know which medical professional to go to in order to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment?

Here are some pointers for when you should see the best audiologist in Fairfax, Virginia versus the best ENT.

Best Audiologist in Fairfax, Virginia vs. ENT: Which Specialist Do You Need?

Hearing loss and other conditions affecting the ear are complex. Sometimes hearing problems are directly related to the ear, while other issues may be caused by other illnesses in the body. You may also find that hearing loss is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headaches and migraines.

So how do you know which doctor to go to for care such as an audiology evaluation? In choosing the right specialist, you’ll need to understand the services that both doctors provide.

  • An audiologist specialized in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of hearing and balance disorders, including hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus. Audiologists provide hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings, and auditory rehabilitation.
  • ENT doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders of the ear, nose, throat, as well as related structures of the head and neck. Depending on your symptoms and the cause of your hearing loss, you may benefit from an ENT doctor.

Quality, Compassionate Care When You Need It Is Available Right Here at ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery

Now that you know when to consult with the best audiologist in Fairfax, Virginia, you may be wondering where you should go to get the high quality care you deserve. For all of your hearing needs and concerns, look no further than ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery. 

From fitting you with hearing aids to diagnosing the underlying cause of your hearing problems, we’re here to get you back to living your best life. Contact us today at 703-448-0005 to schedule an appointment!