5 Quick Tips for the Best Microneedling Results in McLean, Virginia

5 Quick Tips for the Best Microneedling Results in McLean

As we get older, our skin changes, developing fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and discoloration. And while many of these changes are unavoidable, their appearance can be minimized with RF microneedling.

Keep reading to learn about the top five tips to get the best microneedling results in McLean, Virginia!

Follow These Five Tips to Get the Best Microneedling Results in McLean, Virginia

Microneedling uses a handheld device with tiny, fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing process, which naturally boosts collagen and elastin production to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance.

Combined with radiofrequency energy, RF microneedling packs a powerful one-two punch! The radiofrequency heat penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate and accelerate your body’s natural healing process.

Here are five must follow tips to get the best RF microneedling results.

  • Choose the right provider. Not everyone is experienced or qualified to provide microneedling treatment. To get the best results, you need to choose the best provider. Research options in your area, and pay close attention to patient reviews and before / after photos.
  • Go to your appointment bare-faced. On the day of your appointment, don’t use any skincare or makeup products on your face, as these can negatively impact the effects of your treatment. Bare skin is best!
  • Apply sunscreen daily. To enjoy your microneedling results for months to come, protect your skin by regularly wearing sunscreen. Even on cloudy days, UV radiation from the sun can damage your freshly treated skin.
  • Avoid sweating post-treatment. Avoid sweating or any strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours after treatment. To get the best microneedling results in McLean, Virginia, you’ll also want to avoid any activity that could cause you to sweat, such as a sauna or a hot shower.
  • Don’t pick at your skin. Because your skin will be dry and flaky, you may be tempted to peel it or scratch the skin loose. However, the best option is to let the skin peel and fall off naturally.

Transform Your Skin With RF Microneedling From ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery!

From fine lines to acne scars to hyperpigmentation, microneedling can rejuvenate and transform your skin to create dramatic results. For the best microneedling treatment in the McLean area, choose ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery.

Schedule an appointment by calling 703-448-0005, and be sure to ask about our specials. Prepare to love the skin you’re in again with skincare treatments from our aesthetic experts!