Tips from A Hearing Aid Specialist in Tysons Corner, Virginia

Tips from A Hearing Aid Specialist in Tysons Corner

6 Tips From A Hearing Aid Specialist in Tysons Corner, Virginia on Choosing the Right Ones

Hearing loss can be an extremely stressful situation. What should not be stressful is choosing a hearing aid.

With the help of your hearing aid specialist in Tysons Corner, Virginia and the following tips, you’ll be happily on your way to improved hearing!

First, a Quick Lesson on How Hearing Aids Work

Hearing aids will not restore your normal hearing, but they will greatly improve your quality of life. It’s simple really!

Environmental sounds are carried through your hearing aid to your ear making them louder so you can hear. So, how will I know I need a hearing aid? We’re glad you asked!

  • It Starts With an Exam

Your hearing loss could be the result of wax buildup or ear infection. These are easily solvable without the need for a hearing aid. However, the only way to know if you need a hearing aid or not is with a checkup.

  • Choose the Right Hearing Aid Specialist

Primary care providers can usually do a basic hearing test but can’t properly diagnose the cause of your hearing loss. They are a good way to get a referral though.

Ask your general practitioner for a referral to a properly educated and experienced hearing aid specialist in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

  • Take Advantage of Trial Periods

If you’ve been given a hearing aid, take advantage of the trial period. This is a time for you to adjust to the device and decide if it fits your needs and lifestyle.

BONUS TIP: Ask if there is a cost associated with the trial period whether that cost is credit towards the purchase of the device, and if so, get that in writing.

You’ll Find the Most Experienced Hearing Aid Specialist in Tysons Corner, Virginia Here!

At ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery we offer exams, testing, and other hearing / ENT services to improve your hearing.

Book your appointment by calling 703-448-0005, and enjoy the amazing benefits of using a hearing aid!