Wearing Hearing Aids May Reduce the Risk of Falls in Older Adults

Wearing Hearing Aids May Reduce the Risk of Falls in Older Adults

Unfortunately, as we age, our balance can become much less stable, and falls become a serious risk. So much so, that falls have become a leading cause of injury and even death among older adults. But new research suggests that wearing hearing aids may reduce the risk of falls in older adults

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the recent study, explore the benefits of hearing aids, and discuss why falling is such an important issue.

Study: Wearing Hearing Aids May Reduce the Risk of Falls in Older Adults by 50%

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, people who wear hearing aids are 50% less likely to fall compared to those who don’t. This is a remarkable finding that has major implications for the well-being of millions of older adults.

But why does wearing hearing aids help with balance? Researchers believe that because hearing is so closely linked with spatial awareness and orientation, it can contribute to better balance and stability. When you can more easily hear sounds around you, you’re better able to maintain your equilibrium and make small adjustments to your position that can prevent dangerous falls.

Why Wearing Hearing Aids Can Help Reduce the Risk of Falls

Here’s a look at 5 ways wearing hearing aids may reduce the risk of falls in older adults and enhance overall health and wellness.

1. Detecting Surrounding Sounds

Hearing aids amplify sounds, making it easier for people to hear and detect sounds that they would otherwise miss.

For instance, an older adult may not hear the sound of a car approaching when crossing the street, putting them at risk of a collision. With hearing aids, they will be able to hear the sound clearly and take the necessary precautions.

2. Communication

Hearing aids improve communication, especially in noisy environments, such as a busy street or a crowded room. They can also help older adults hear instructions and warnings, reducing their risk of falling.

For example, when a person with hearing aids is warned of a wet floor in a supermarket, they can take the necessary precautions to avoid slips or falls.

3. Improved Balance

Hearing aids allow older adults to maintain a better balance by improving their awareness of their surroundings.

With improved hearing, they can detect sounds that are vital for balance, such as the sound of their footsteps or the sound of objects moving nearby.

And when they have better balance, they are less likely to fall and better able to lead an active life.

4. Reduced Social Isolation

It can be difficult for older adults with hearing loss to participate in group activities, as they struggle to hear conversations. With the help of hearing aids, it’s easier for them to participate in social activities and avoid isolation.

This is especially important since social isolation can take a toll on the overall health of a person, increasing their risk of falling and other health issues.

5. Improved Cognitive Function

Good hearing helps the brain stay active, reducing the risk of cognitive decline. When older adults can hear better, they can pay more attention to their surroundings, reducing their risk of falling

Learn More About How Hearing Aids Reduce the Risk of Falls

If you are struggling with hearing loss and concerned about your risk of falls, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled an experienced ENT specialists.